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Less stress - More success - More fulfillment

Too Much To Do, Too Little Time

Life in the 21st century seems more chaotic than ever! The task of balancing work, family, friends and personal time is overwhelming, leaving us feeling like we are constantly on the run and torn between priorities. We also run an internal dialogue focused, more often than not, on what is wrong in our personal and/or professional life, creating further stress and worry. We may feel that we’re letting opportunities pass us by, believe that we are not living up to our full potential, or feel that we are trapped by our circumstances.

What is Energy Leadership?

Energy Leadership™ is the process that develops a personally effective style of leadership to promote positive changes. By learning and applying the principles and concepts of Energy Leadership™, you will gain the ability to shift your energy – to lead it – making it constructive rather than destructive.

Catabolic and Anabolic Energy:
Two Forces that Create Your World – Every Minute, Every Day

There are two kinds of energy at work in our lives:

The most successful leaders are those with high anabolic energy levels.


Reserve your E.L.I Self-Assessment

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There are 7 levels of energy (or consciousness) identified in Energy Leadership™, and we fluctuate throughout the day within all of them. Your average level of energy (emotional, spiritual, mental and physical) determines your level of success (the higher your average is, the more successful and fulfilled you will be).

When you are triggered by your personal stress factors, your energy drops. Developing the ability to raise your energy level will increase your leadership abilities, giving you the tools to naturally inspire and motivate yourself and those around you, get more done with less effort and stress, and take action to live a powerful, productive and purposeful life.

The Energy Leadership™ Process:
Create The Life You Want to Live

Energic Profile
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The online E.L.I Self-Assessment is a one-of-a-kind attitudinal evaluation that measures your level of engagement in your personal and professional life, your current leadership ability and your level of self-awareness.

The customized report illustrates, in two graphs, how your energy is distributed across all 7 levels, forming your Energetic Profile. It reveals what type of energy shows up in your home and work life, identifies what triggers your automatic reactions and allows you to pinpoint your strengths and limitations in order to create your ideal life.

The Energy Leadership Development System™ allows you to work with your coach on any of the 8 building blocks of self-mastery (emotional intelligence, dynamic communication, influencing & engaging others, problem solving, productivity & decision making, high-energy relationships, health & wellness, time management & balance).


Click here to purchase
the E.L.I Self-Assessment & Debrief

What This Means to You

The ELI assessment was such a wonderful tool to outline the overall patterns of my habits and ways of relating to the world. Once my areas of strength and areas of growth were revealed, empowerment came through...I could truly change my life by changing my energy! So much more than any assessment I've ever done because it helps uncover the energy behind the action and offers ways of altering it just slightly so you can rise to higher energy and really reach the life you want.
- Elizabeth -

Unlock your full potential & Re-Energize your life!

PDF New Study Reveals Key Indicator for Greater Satisfaction in Life and Work
Download the study in pdf format.

Energy Leadership™ is a unique training program offered by the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)

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